SILVER SPRING, MD—Roy Goldberg Shihan at Capital Aikikai
Roy Goldberg Shihan returns to the Washington area for an extraordinary 2 days of intensive training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Hosted by Capital Aikikai, Aikido practitioners especially will experience a link to the art of O'Sensei's teacher Sokaku Takeda. Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance and complement your martial art.
TOKYO—Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu with Roy Goldberg Shihan
Roy Goldberg Shihan returns to Tokyo on May 3-4, 2025.
To register in English please email John Sorensen daitoryudc@gmail.com
日本語で登録するには、マット・ノイス にメールしてください。

LONG ISLAND, NY—Roy Goldberg at West Hempstead Police Athletic League
Intensive 2 day Daito Ryu seminar with Roy Goldberg Shihan in West Hempstead, NY. For more information email Charles Schweizer

ALBANY, NY—All Study Group Gasshuku 2025
KIYAMAKAI MEMBERS ONLY! Join us in Albany, NY for our annual members gathering ! There will be intensive instruction by Goldberg Sensei and senior instructors, testing, and LIVE, IN PERSON, WRISTS GALORE! REGISTER BY JUNE 1 FOR DISCOUNT.

GRAND RAPIDS, MI—Roy Goldberg Shihan at Yushinkan Dojo
Join Roy Goldberg Shihan, 7th dan, for 2 days of intensive training in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. Goldberg Shihan is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu practitioners outside of Japan. Come experience the parent art of Aikido hands on. Online Payment and Registration

ALBANY, NY—Roy Goldberg at Capital District Martial Arts
Join us for intensive training in Daito Ryu with Roy Goldberg Sensei. For more information, please contact Study Group Leader Tony DiSarro. (518) 330-3656

WINTHROP, MAINE—Roy Goldberg at the Maine Gatherin
Roy Goldberg will be attending the Maine Gathering! Classes in Daito Ryu available.! Join us for a weekend of martial arts and fellowship. Email Ryan Chamberland at unitedfitness247@gmail.com for more information.
DENTON, TX—Roy Goldberg at Denton Aikido
Join Roy Goldberg Shihan, one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu practitioners outside of Japan, for a two day seminar in this beautiful art. Space is limited. To register, send payment to https://www.paypal.me/JackBieler or email Jack Bieler at DaitoRyuDenton@gmail.com

NASHVILLE, TN—Roy Goldberg Shihan
Join Roy Goldberg Shihan, 7th dan, for 2 days of intensive training in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. Goldberg Shihan is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu practitioners outside of Japan. Come experience the parent art of Aikido hands on.
SILVER SPRING, MD—Roy Goldberg Shihan at Capital Aikikai
Roy Goldberg Shihan returns to the Washington area for an extraordinary 2 days of intensive training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Hosted by Capital Aikikai, Aikido practitioners especially will experience a link to the art of O'Sensei's teacher Sokaku Takeda. Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance and complement your martial art.

LONG ISLAND, NY—Roy Goldberg at West Hempstead Police Athletic League
Intensive 2 day Daito Ryu seminar with Roy Goldberg Shihan in West Hempstead, NY. For more information email Charles Schweizer
DENTON, TX—Roy Goldberg at Denton Aikido
Join Roy Goldberg Shihan, one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu practitioners outside of Japan, for a two day seminar in this beautiful art. Space is limited. To register, send payment to https://www.paypal.me/JackBieler or email Jack Bieler at DaitoRyuDenton@gmail.com

NASHVILLE, TN—Roy Goldberg Shihan
Join Roy Goldberg Shihan, 7th dan, for 2 days of intensive training in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. Goldberg Shihan is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu practitioners outside of Japan. Come experience the parent art of Aikido hands on.
SILVER SPRING, MD—Manny Jimenez Sensei at Capital Aikikai
We are very excited to announce that Manny Jimenez 6 dan, Jun Dairi Kyoju, will instruct an intensive training seminar on Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Kiyama Kai. Manny sensei is a profound practitioner and a gifted teacher, clearly presenting principles and how to implement them.
REGISTER BY EMAILING John Sorensen at daitoryudc@gmail.com

BERKELEY, CA—Aikido of Berkeley
Goldberg Shihan returns to Aikido of Berkeley! Join us for an extraordinary 2 days of intensive training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Aikido practitioners especially will experience a link to the art of O’Sensei's teacher Sokaku Takeda. Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance and complement your martial art.

LOS OSOS, CA—Aikido Central Coast
Intensive 1 day Seminar with Roy Goldberg Sensei in San Luis Obispo. TO REGISTER: Please contact Larry Bardach to confirm times and prices.

BUFFALO, NY—Mushinkan Jujutsu
Intensive 2 day Seminar with Roy Goldberg Sensei. Please contact Buffalo Sudy Group head Marty Brzykcy to confirm times and prices. Visit Mushinkan Dojo for more information.

LONG ISLAND, NY—Roy Goldberg at West Hempstead Police Athletic League
Intensive 1 day Daito Ryu seminar with Roy Goldberg Shihan in West Hempstead, NY. For more information email Charles Schweizer

ALBANY, NY—Roy Goldberg at Capital District Martial Arts
Join us for intensive training in Daito Ryu with Roy Goldberg Sensei. For more information, please contact Study Group Leader Tony DiSarro. (518) 330-3656
SILVER SPRING, MD—Roy Goldberg at Capital Aikikai
Roy Goldberg Shihan returns to the Washington area for an extraordinary 2 days of intensive training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Hosted by Capital Aikikai, Aikido practitioners especially will experience a link to the art of O'Sensei's teacher Sokaku Takeda. Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance and complement your martial art.
EAST LYME, CT—Roy Goldberg at Bushidokai Dojo
Join us for an intensive seminar with Roy Goldberg, one of the highest ranked practitioners outside of Japan! $75 or FREE for Study Group members. For more information, please contact Kiyamakai Study Group Head David LoPriore.
DENTON, TX—Roy Goldberg at Denton Aikido
Join Roy Goldberg Sensei, one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu practitioners outside of Japan, for a two day seminar in this beautiful art. Space is limited. To register, send payment to https://www.paypal.me/JackBieleremail or email Jack Bieler at DaitoRyuDenton@gmail.com

BUFFALO, NY—Mushinkan Jujutsu
Intensive 2 day Seminar with Roy Goldberg Sensei. Please contact Buffalo Sudy Group head Marty Brzykcy to confirm times and prices. Visit Mushinkan Dojo for more information.
BOZEMAN, MT—Roy Goldberg Shihan at Bozeman Aikido
Roy Goldberg Sensei comes to Montana for an extraordinary 2 days of intensive training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Aikido practitioners especially will experience a link to the art of O'Sensei's teacher Sokaku Takeda. Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance and complement your martial art. Click here to pay through the Bozeman Aikido Website
To register email daitoryudc@gmail.com
EAST LYME, CT—Roy Goldberg at Bushidokai Dojo
Join us for an intensive seminar with Roy Goldberg, one of the highest ranked practitioners outside of Japan! $75 or FREE for Study Group members. For more information, please contact Daito ryu Study Group Head David LoPriore.

SIMSBURY, CT—Roy Goldberg at Hikari Dojo
Intensive 1 day Daito Ryu seminar with Roy Goldberg Shihan in Simsbury, CT. For more information email Charlie Siegel at shugyo94@gmail.com

WINTHROP, MAINE—Roy Goldberg at the Maine Gathering
Roy Goldberg will be attending the Maine Gathering! Classes in Daito Ryu available.! Join us for a weekend of martial arts and fellowship. Email Ryan Chamberland at unitedfitness247@gmail.com for more information.
SILVER SPRING, MD—Roy Goldberg at Capital Aikikai NOTE NEW DATE
Roy Goldberg Sensei returns to the Washington area for an extraordinary 2 days of intensive training in this rare and beautiful martial art! Hosted by Capital Aikikai, Aikido practitioners especially will experience a link to the art of O'Sensei's teacher Sokaku Takeda. Whatever style you practice, the principles of Daito Ryu will enhance and complement your martial art.

EAST LYME, CT—Jason Martinez Sensei at Bushidokai
Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Seminar with one of Roy Goldberg’s senior students: Jason Martinez, 5th dan Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu has decades of experience teaching martial artists. This seminar is open to everyone, kids and adults, and to those both with and without prior training or rank in any martial arts discipline. Space is limited, please RSVP to David LoPriore to register.
ALBANY, NY—All Study Group Gasshuku 2024
Join us in Albany, NY for an in person Gasshuku for all of our Daito Ryu Study Group members! This is a Kiyamakai members only event. There will be intensive instruction by Goldberg Sensei and senior instructors, testing, and LIVE, IN PERSON, WRISTS GALORE! REGISTER BY JUNE 1 FOR DISCOUNT.
TOKYO—Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu with Roy Goldberg Shihan
Roy Goldberg Shihan returns to Tokyo on May 4-5.
To register in English please email John Sorensen daitoryudc@gmail.com
日本語で登録するには、マット・ノイス にメールしてください。

LONG ISLAND, NY—Roy Goldberg at West Hempstead Police Athletic League
Intensive 1 day Daito Ryu seminar with Roy Goldberg Shihan in West Hempstead, NY. For more information email Charles Schweizer

EAST LYME, CT—Jason Martinez Sensei at Bushidokai
Traditional Japanese Martial Arts Seminar with one of Roy Goldberg’s senior students: Jason Martinez, 5th dan Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu has decades of experience teaching martial artists. This seminar is open to everyone, kids and adults, and to those both with and without prior training or rank in any martial arts discipline. Space is limited, please RSVP to David LoPriore

SARATOGA, NY—Manny Jimenez at the Saratoga Martial Arts Festival
Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Seminar with Manny Jimenez Sensei, 6th Dan at the Saratoga, NY Martial Arts Festival
For more information visit www.saratogafestival.com

NASHVILLE, TN—Roy Goldberg at the Nashville Cherry Blossom Festival
Join Roy Goldberg, 7th dan, for 3 days of intensive training in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu. Goldberg Shihan is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu practitioners outside of Japan. Come experience the parent art of Aikido hands on.
EAST LYME, CT—Roy Goldberg at Bushidokai Dojo
Join us for an intensive seminar with Roy Goldberg, one of the highest ranked practitioners outside of Japan! $75 or FREE for Study Group members. For more information, please contact Kiyamakai Study Group Head David LoPriore
DENTON, TX—Roy Goldberg at Denton Aikido
Roy Goldberg Shihan, 7 dan Dairi Kyoju, is coming to Denton to teach Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu, emphasizing soft, effective kuzushi, internal structure and dynamic throws. We are excited to welcome him back to Texas, and to continue our shugyo together. The seminar is open to martial artists of any style and rank. Space is limited. To register, email Jack Bieler at DaitoRyuDenton@gmail.com
RALEIGH, NC—Manny Jimenez Sensei in Raleigh, NC
To Register: https://traindaitoryu.com/product/daito-ryu-seminar-march-9-2024/
We are very excited to announce that Manny Jimenez 6 dan, Jun Dairi Kyoju, will instruct an intensive training seminar on Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Kiyama Kai. Manny sensei is a profound practitioner and a gifted teacher, clearly presenting principles and how to implement them.
For more information, email Jason Brinn

ALBANY, NY—Roy Goldberg at Capital District Martial Arts
Join us for intensive training in Daito Ryu with Roy Goldberg Sensei. For more information, please contact Study Group Leader Tony DiSarro. (518) 330-3656
SILVER SPRING, MD—Manny Jimenez Sensei at Capital Aikikai
We are very excited to announce that Manny Jimenez 6 dan, Jun Dairi Kyoju, will instruct an intensive training seminar on Daito-ryu Aikijujutsu Kiyama Kai. Manny sensei is a profound practitioner and a gifted teacher, clearly presenting principles and how to implement them.
REGISTER BY EMAILING John Sorensen at daitoryudc@gmail.com

Join us for an intensive two day seminar with Roy Goldberg, one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu practitioners outside of Japan. Spaces limited. Register here