Roy Goldberg instructing at the 2023 Gasshuku
Kiyamakai All Study Group
Gasshuku 2024
June 7, Friday 7:00pm to 9pm
June 8, Saturday 12pm to 5pm
Saturday, Dinner 6:30pm
June 9, Sunday 9am to 1pm
Capital District Martial Arts Center
159 Delaware Avenue, Delmar, NY 12054
(around the corner from the old location)
Park and enter through the rear of the building with the Empire Wok and Extra Napkin restaurants. There is an access road to the parking lot from Delaware Ave. to the right of the Thai restaurant.
The old dojo is circled in blue, the new one in red. If you were to exit the old dojo, the new location is behind the buildings directly in front of you, and the entrance is to your right when you round the corner.
$125 for all three days/$85 for Sat or Sun/$25 for Friday
$200 for all three days/$100 for one day/$50 for Friday
$75 for all Study Group heads
Oku Sandan and higher no charge for the weekend.
Come join us for our annual Gasshaku in Albany NY!
3 days of intensive training in Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu with Roy Goldberg Sensei and his Senior instructors. There will be review of Kiyamakai fundamentals as well as detailed technical instruction. This seminar is for current members of the Kiyamakai only, unless explicitly authorized by Goldberg Sensei.
Please pre-register by June 1 with John Sorensen to indicate whether you will be attending in person, whether you intend to join us for dinner on Saturday, or whether you will join by Zoom on Sunday. Send payment to via PayPal and include Gasshuku 2024 in the notes, including which days you plan on attending.
HOTEL INFO: We recommend the Comfort Inn Glenmont at 37 Rte 9W, Glenmont, NY 12077
*For those looking for another Hotel:
The Four Points by Sheraton is up the road for about $35-50 more per night, it’s a newer hotel, however they would not accommodate a room block for our event but you can check availability if you’re looking for a newer facility to spend your stay. (Google search Four Points by Sheraton Glenmont NY for info.)