October 5, 2019 Saturday 10am to 6pm
October 6, 2019 Sunday 10am to 5pm
Camberley Judo Club
Deer Rock Road, Camberley, GU15 4EP, UK
Send an email to aikishugyouk@gmail.com, and a deposit of £30 via PayPal to the same email address. See additional instructions below.
Join us for this rare opportunity, 2 days of serious training in this beautiful art with one of its highest ranked practitioners outside of Japan!
The seminar is open to martial artists of any style and rank. Some experience of taking ukemi (rolling and break falls) would be useful, but is not essential.
Kodokai style Daito Ryu emphasises developing an "aiki body" to utilise whole body connection. This enables students to access incredible levels of power that when allied to subtle unbalancing, throwing and pinning techniques will astound, amuse and inspire you.
Morihei Ueshiba in front of a placard reading “Daito-ryu Aiki-jujutsu.” — Read More at Aikido Sangenkai
For Aikido practitioners, Daito Ryu can provide an insight into the art of Morihei Ueshiba's teacher Sokaku Takeda, and can illuminate your existing practice in many ways. For Jujutsu enthusiasts and other exponents of Budo in general, experiencing aiki will open up a whole new dimension to your practice. Aiki offers a fresh perspective that will enhance your practice whatever its level.
About Roy Goldberg
Roy Goldberg is the first and only non-Japanese awarded the rank of 7th Dan and certified with the rare teaching license Kyoju Dairi by the Kodokai Menkyo Kaiden at the hombu dojo in Kitami, Japan. Goldberg Sensei has trained over 3 decades with Kiyama Shihan and the leading Shihan from Japan including three Menkyo Kaiden.
Goldberg Sensei receiving the Hi Ogi, the 3rd Scroll in the Daito Ryu transmission from Kiyama Shihan. — June, 2016
He is also the only non-Japanese to receive the 3rd Scroll in the Daito Ryu transmission, the Hi Ogi or "Inner Secrets." Goldberg sensei believes that, “in the martial arts, one teaches only to continue his own unfinished study.” His goal is to preserve, protect and transmit Daito Ryu, the beautiful secret art and National Treasure of Japan, and to pass it on to serious students just as his teacher Kiyama Shihan shared it with him.
For more on Goldberg Sensei’s history and approach to training Daito Ryu, read this in-depth interview, courtesy of Aikido en Linea.
About Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu
It is an ancient samurai martial art. It has directly influenced the development of many popular martial arts: Shorinji Kempo, Hakko Ryu Jujutsu, Hapkido and most famously Aikido. Once a secret art, passed from generation to generation through the Takeda clan, the system of Daito Ryu was revived in the late 19th century by Sokaku Takeda. The Kodokai branch was founded by Takeda's direct student Horikawa Kodo, who was famous for his extremely soft and confoundingly subtle techniques.
Registration and Confirmation
To ensure everyone has hands on time with Goldberg Sensei places at the seminar will be limited, so please reserve your place as soon as possible.
The total cost of the seminar is £180. Please send an email in the first instance to register your interest and reserve your place by the September 1st to aikishugyouk@gmail.com, and a deposit of £30 via PayPal to the same email address.
Please add your name and email address to your PayPal payment. Please note the registration fee is non-refundable.
When this payment has been made you will receive an email confirming your place on the seminar. Instructions will then be sent to you on how to pay the balance of £150 by September 27..
Seminar Details
Registration will be on Saturday, 05/10/19 at 9:30am. Session 1, 10am to 1pm. Lunch: 1-3pm. Session 2, 3pm to 6pm. Sunday 06/10/19 Session 3, 10am to 1 pm. Lunch: 1pm to 3 pm. Session 4, 3pm to 5pm.
How To Get There
The dojo is located 50 mins from London Waterloo Train Station and just 25 minutes from London Heathrow Airport. By road Camberley is 10 mins from junction 3 and 4 of the M3 and fifteen mins from junction 10 of the M4.
Accommodation Options
There will be mat space available on Saturday evening for those who want to save on costs. Please bring your own sleeping bag. Showers and kitchen facilities are also available.
There is plenty of B&B and hotel accommodation in the surrounding area. Early booking is advisable.