Horikawa Kodo
Horikawa Kodo
Horikawa Kodo (1894-1980)
Kodo Kai is a branch of Daito Ryu founded by Horikawa Kodo in 1950. Born in 1894 in Kitami, Hokkaido, Kodo began Daito Ryu Jujutsu training at the age of 11, first under his father, then continuing directly under Sokaku Takeda himself.
Sokaku taught Kodo according to his body type (Kodo was 4' 11" tall) over a period of many years until Takeda's death in 1945. Sokaku specifically told him that he needed to master "Aiki" because of his short stature and instructed him mostly in the Aiki principles as a result. Kodo's techniques came to be known as very subtle, effective, and strong. Thus, it is said that Horikawa's Kodokai emphasizes Aiki over strength to execute the higher-level techniques.
In 1930 Kodo received the certificate of "Acting Instructor" or Kyoju Dairi from Takeda. Still, Kodo continued his training for six hours a day. One year later, he received the certificate of Hiden Mokuroku "The Secret Essence" - and a month after that, the final certificates of Hiden Ogi Mokuroku "The Secret Essence of Mysteries" and the Hi Ogi no Koto — "The Secret Essence of Aiki". He received permission to become a Shihan at age 37. The final certificate, the Daito Ryu no Menkyo Kaiden was awarded to him years later. In 1950 he established the Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu Kodo Kai in Hokkaido. In 1974 Kodo Horikawa received the Eisei Meijin "Order of Eternal Mastership", which is the highest title of the Budo society. Kodo Horikawa perished in 1980.