Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu
Roy Goldberg Shihan
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Sokaku Takeda circa 1890
Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu is a 1,200-year-old samurai martial art and National Treasure of Japan. Its core principles focus on subtle manipulations of balance that can complement and enrich any martial arts training. Daito Ryu is not just a set of techniques, but a mindset that can transform budo practice.
It has directly influenced the development of many popular martial arts, such as Shorinji Kempo, Hakko Ryu Jujutsu, Hapkido and most famously Aikido, whose founder Morihei Ueshiba trained extensively in Daito Ryu under Takeda Sokaku.
Roy Goldberg Shihan is one of the highest ranked Daito Ryu practitioners outside of Japan and the Chief Instructor of Daito Ryu Aiki Jujutsu Kiyamakai.
For over four decades, he has trained under Kiyama Hayawo Shihan, the Chief Instructor for the Kodokai branch of Daito Ryu in North America, and is Kiyama Shihan's senior student.
The Kodokai Menkyo Kaiden, Inoue Yusuke awarded Goldberg Sensei the rank of 7th dan, the official Kyoju Dairi teaching license, and the Hi Ogi no Koto, the 3rd scroll in the Kodokai tradition.
In 2017, Goldberg Shihan separated from Kodokai in Japan to form the Kiyamakai, an independent Daito Ryu organization, but maintains a close relationship with his longtime teacher Kiyama Shihan, who has recognized Roy Goldberg as the Shihan of Kiyamakai. He supervises Study Groups throughout the US and in Tokyo, traveling regularly to teach in seminars all over the world.
Goldberg Sensei with Yusuke Inoue Menkyo Kaiden
Goldberg Sensei's goal is to share this beautiful art with anyone of good character who is dedicated to hard training with an open spirit, regardless of style or rank.
For more on Goldberg Sensei's background click here.
Order the biography of Roy Goldberg’s life in the martial arts, by Charlie Siegel
To Become A Living Art: Revised 2nd Edition
Now with two new chapters on Daito Ryu body principles and training methods.
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An Important Message
from Roy Goldberg Sensei on Separating from Kodokai in Japan
As of March 2017, I will no longer be affiliated with Kodo Kai in Japan. I have great respect and gratitude for years of training with Kodo Kai; however, it has become clear over many years that we have fundamentally different philosophies about how to prevent the extinction of this beautiful art. I find it necessary for the preservation and continued growth of Daito Ryu, to leave the Hombu dojo in Japan. Out of respect for the Hombu dojo, I will no longer use the name of Kodo Kai for our organization.
My loyalty has been and always will be to Hayawo Kiyama Shihan, my instructor for more than three and a half decades, as well as Yusuke Inoue Menkyo Kaiden who I worked with closely and who recognized and encouraged my growth in Daito Ryu. Many of the senior Shihan I have worked with personally are no longer a part of Kodo Kai. I want to pass on what I have learned from these Shihan to the best of my ability.
My sole wish is to preserve and spread the beautiful art of Daito Ryu Aikijujutsu as handed down from Takeda Sokaku and Kodo Horikawa through my teacher and these other Shihan. Although I will not be formally associated with the Hombu dojo, there should be no doubt that the techniques and spirit of the Daito Ryu I teach and study, will continue to be purely Kodo Kai as I received it through Kiyama Shihan and the Menkyo Kaiden.
As in the past, teachers of Daito Ryu were presented with Dairi Kyojus to signify that they have license to teach Daito Ryu. Since receiving the Dairi Kyoju from the Menkyo Kaiden, I have endeavored to teach Daito Ryu to the best of my ability and I will continue to do so throughout the world.
I hope to continue the personal relationships with members of Kodo Kai in Japan, and my mat is open to any of its members who want to train in the future.
I will continue to train with Kiyama Shihan as his senior student and do Shugyo together.
Roy Goldberg
March, 2017
UPDATE: After discussing with Kiyama Shihan in 2021, Goldberg Shihan has named his organziation
“Kiyamakai” to honor his teacher.
The new mon for Daito Ryu Kiyamakai students under Roy Goldberg Sensei